Who we are

The North Fayette Valley Community Coalition (NFVCC) is your friends and neighbors working together to reduce the abuse of alcohol and drugs in the NFV community.

We are a strong and vibrant coalition that offers education to parents, community members, and youth. The NFVCC provides alternatives to substance abuse such as the Youth Center, substance free activities and events, youth-led support groups like SODA and the Mentoring program.

The NFVCC provides opportunities for parents and community members to get involved in creating a substance-free community.


‘To promote and support the health and well-being of youth in the North Fayette Valley Community’


‘A safe, supportive, and healthy community for children and families of the North Fayette Valley Community.’


We work with adults to set the rules to keep youth safe.


We provide everyone with the information they need to make safe and healthy choices.


We work to have fun and support youth and families in the NFV community.


In August of 2000, a Valley youth expressed concerns to adults about peers using drugs, including alcohol, and shared how difficult it was to make healthy choices when it felt like everyone drank or did other drugs.

Adults were concerned but not sure what to do. Time passed as more stories were shared of actual alcohol and drug use by youth in the Valley. Business leaders were concerned. Grandparents showed an interest in helping their grandchildren. Parents wanted to do something NOW!

These committed adults decided to gather people in the Valley to look at what could be done to reduce the amount of alcohol and drug use by youth and to support youth who chose not to use any kind of illegal drugs. This was the beginning of the Valley Community Coalition or the VCC.

After 13 years as a Coalition and to better align with the newly formed North Fayette Valley School District, the VCC became informally known as the NFVCC in the summer of 2013. The formal name change and revision to bylaws was completed effective July 1, 2015. The subgroups of the NFVCC include Mentoring, Youth, Parent Education and Community and these groups act as the backbone of the Coalition.

A Steering Team oversees the direction of the sub-groups. Currently, 12 sector representatives lead the Steering Team which meets the first Tuesday of each month at 5:15 p.m. alternating between the Youth Center located at 505 Larrabee Street in Clermont and the West Union office (107 1/2 West Elm Street).


There are four subgroups that do the work of the Coalition:

  1. Mentoring – matches K – 12th grade youth with caring adults.
  2. Community - Educates the community and builds unity in the NFV District.
  3. Parent Education - Assists parents by providing updates on drug use and abuse. Teaches new and appropriate parenting skills.
  4. Youth - Adults supporting youth led substance abuse prevention initiatives. The 7th—12th grade component of this subgroup is SODA (Students OK without Drugs or Alcohol).

Our Team

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